Top 5 Ways to Be a Better Christian in Modern Society

Top 5 Ways to Be a Better Christian in Modern Society

In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world, being a Christian can sometimes feel like swimming against the tide. But fear not! With a little guidance and a whole lot of faith, you can not only survive but thrive as a follower of Christ in modern society. So, buckle up, folks – we’re about to dive into the top 10 ways to be a better Christian in this crazy, beautiful world of ours.

1. Dive Deep into the Word

First things first, if you want to be a better Christian, you’ve got to know your stuff. And by “stuff,” I mean the Bible. It’s not just a dusty old book; it’s your spiritual GPS in this wild journey called life.

I remember when I first started really digging into the Bible. I was a college student, overwhelmed by exams and existential crises (ah, the joys of youth!). One night, instead of cramming for my chemistry test, I decided to crack open my Bible. And let me tell you, it was like a lightbulb moment. Suddenly, all those verses I’d heard in Sunday school started to make sense in a whole new way.

So, here’s the deal:

  • Set aside daily Bible reading time. Even if it’s just 10 minutes, consistency is key.
  • Join a Bible study group. It’s like a book club, but way more life-changing.
  • Use Bible study apps or online resources. Technology can be your friend in faith!

Remember, the more you know God’s word, the better equipped you’ll be to face life’s challenges with faith and wisdom.

2. Prayer: It’s Not Just for Bedtime Anymore

Prayer is like spiritual oxygen – you need it to keep your faith alive and kicking. But here’s the kicker: prayer isn’t just for bedtime or before meals. It’s a 24/7 hotline to the Big Guy upstairs.

I once met a woman who treated prayer like texting her best friend. She’d send up quick “prayers” throughout the day – while stuck in traffic, waiting in line at the grocery store, even during commercial breaks of her favorite TV show. Her constant connection with God was inspiring, to say the least.

Here are some ways to amp up your prayer life:

  • Start a prayer journal. It’s like a diary, but with a divine twist.
  • Try prayer walks. It’s multitasking at its finest – exercise for your body and soul!
  • Use prayer apps or reminders on your phone. Let technology nudge you towards heavenly conversations.

3. Serve Others Like You’re Serving Jesus Himself

Want to be a better Christian? Roll up your sleeves and get ready to serve. Jesus wasn’t just about preaching; He was all about action. And He calls us to do the same.

I once volunteered at a soup kitchen, and let me tell you, it was an eye-opener. There was this guy, let’s call him Bob, who came in every week. He always had a smile on his face, despite his circumstances. One day, as I was serving him soup, he looked me in the eye and said, “You know, you’re doing God’s work here.” That moment hit me like a ton of bricks. I realized that in serving others, we’re not just helping them – we’re serving Christ Himself.

Here are some ways to serve:

  • Volunteer at local charities or your church.
  • Help a neighbor in need. Sometimes, service starts right next door.
  • Use your talents for good. Are you a whiz with numbers? Offer to help someone with their taxes. Got a green thumb? Help plant a community garden.

4. Love Your Neighbor (Even When They’re Not So Lovable)

Ah, the golden rule. It sounds simple, but let’s be real – loving your neighbor isn’t always a walk in the park. Especially when your neighbor is that guy who never mows his lawn or the coworker who steals your lunch from the office fridge.

But here’s the thing: Jesus didn’t say “Love your neighbor, but only if they’re nice to you.” Nope, He called us to love everyone, even the not-so-lovable folks.

I once had a neighbor who was, well, let’s just say he wasn’t winning any “Neighbor of the Year” awards. He was grumpy, loud, and had a habit of “borrowing” things without asking. It would have been easy to avoid him or respond with equal grumpiness. But instead, I decided to kill him with kindness. I’d wave hello, offer to help with his yard work, and even baked him cookies once. Slowly but surely, his icy exterior started to thaw. By the time I moved away, we were actually friends. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it.

Here are some ways to love your neighbor:

  • Practice random acts of kindness. You never know how a small gesture can brighten someone’s day.
  • Try to understand before being understood. Sometimes, people act out because they’re hurting.
  • Forgive, even when it’s tough. Holding grudges only weighs you down.

5. Be a Light in the Digital Darkness

In today’s world, being a Christian isn’t just about how you act in person – it’s also about how you present yourself online. Social media can be a breeding ground for negativity, but as Christians, we’re called to be different.

I remember scrolling through Facebook one day and feeling overwhelmed by all the arguing and negativity. It was like a digital war zone! That’s when I decided to make a change. Instead of joining in the fray, I started posting encouraging quotes, sharing uplifting stories, and leaving positive comments on people’s posts. You wouldn’t believe the response I got. People started messaging me, saying how much they appreciated the positivity in their feed.

Here’s how you can be a digital disciple:

  • Share encouraging content on social media.
  • Engage in respectful dialogue, even with those who disagree with you.
  • Use your online presence to support good causes and spread awareness about important issues.

Remember, your online presence is a reflection of your faith. Make it shine!


Being a better Christian in modern society isn’t about being perfect – it’s about progress. It’s about waking up each day and choosing to live out your faith, even when it’s challenging. It’s about loving God and loving others, in both big and small ways.

So, whether you’re diving into the Bible, serving at a soup kitchen, or spreading positivity on social media, remember that every little step counts. You’ve got this, and more importantly, God’s got you.

For more guidance on your spiritual journey, check out And if you’re looking for more ways to deepen your faith, don’t miss our article on Mindfulness and Meditation: Ancient Practices for Modern Spiritual Growth.

Remember, in the words of the apostle Paul, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). So go forth, be a light in this world, and keep striving to be a better Christian every day!


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